Educational objectives

The graduates of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University should maintain well-balanced qualities in “conscientious academics and honest behavior” and should be capable of taking leadership affecting broad aspects of the electrical engineering discipline, power engineering industry and society. Specifically, the following qualities should be held by our graduates:

(1) mastering the underlying principles and the practical abilities of mathematics, science, and engineering for the broad discipline of electrical engineering, i.e. the knowledge objective;

(2) preserving a desire for new knowledge, understanding interdiscipline aspects, interested in knowledge discovery, and hence having the potential for solving complicated real world problems throughout the graduates’ whole life, i.e. the lifelong learning and initiative objective;

(3)  having the moral integrity of both respecting others and self-criticism, as a result, having upright academic ethics, communication skills, and team spirit, i.e. the integrity objective; and

(4) being aware of the various challenges faced by China and the world and willing to commit themselves to the corresponding social responsibility, i.e. the informed and responsible objective.